Best Illinois Digital Marketing Agency

Content Marketing Services

We form an audience around your brand that will talk about you
and recommend your product to others.

Get Content Marketing Services In Illinois

What is included in the content marketing package?

Content marketing is a set of marketing methods to create and distribute the most exciting material to attract potential customers.


Content marketing should be distinct from advertising we are used to. This is not an annoying form of imposing a product at any cost. The goal of content marketing is to establish mutually beneficial contact. The work is structured so that users recognize the company and, most importantly, trust it. This makes it possible to continue the relationship in the financial direction.


Content marketing is aimed at long-term cooperation, not a one-time sale.

Comprehensive work and strategy

Content marketing is a complex mechanism that consists of a large number of particles. It is productive, provided each part functions correctly, complementing the other. Only if all its components work properly will content marketing be effective.

The foundation of content marketing is strategy and consistency. It is necessary to update materials and post relevant content regularly. If exciting articles are published exceptionally rarely, and “empty” text is posted weekly “for show,” then there is no point in hoping for an effect in attracting customers.


  • Writing articles for the media and blogs;
  • Work in search engines. SEO – article promotion and page optimization. Impact on search results;
  • Distribution by e-mail and messengers (Telegram, WhatsApp, Viber);
  • Social Media – promotion on social networks as platforms for disseminating information;
  • Participation in forums that correspond to business topics.


This method is relevant for any direction, be it an information portal or an online store. Smart content marketing wins over your audience. Website pages and catalog sections will become a virtual consultant, competent and convincing. This even allows you to replace real managers. The work is relevant in both B2B and B2C projects.


Unlike advertising tools, content marketing techniques can be used for complex products. For example, webinars on a specific topic or consulting. Selling them requires a long explanation of the main properties and benefits of the product. Short-term advertising tools are less effective in such cases.



Types of content we use.

In order to attract new audiences, entertaining content is used . Social networks are created for communication and relaxation, therefore, by visiting your page in search of interesting information, users will become familiar with the company and its product every day.

There is educational content to develop expertise . An expert image of a company is necessary to build user trust in it.

To engage the audience and interact with the company, interactive content is used : conducting surveys, voting, games, etc. Due to this, the user’s interest in the company’s product increases.

Content aimed at increasing sales is called selling content . It is used to attract the user’s attention to the product being sold.

create a content


What are the benefits of content marketing?



Compared to advertising, content marketing saves you money. Contextual advertising requires regular investments. When the budget is reduced, all business processes stop. A pattern emerges – stable revenue exists due to stable expenses. Most often, these expenses do not pay off, and therefore significantly impact the budget. Unlike contextual and targeted advertising, YouTube and SEO always work, although the costs of creating a video or website page or article were one-time.

Long-term effect of loyalty


Content is the foundation on which an effective strategy for promoting a company on the Internet is built. To begin with, a business needs to prove its competence in the eyes of potential clients. Once users form an opinion about the company, trust appears.

Thanks to him, the client shows loyalty to the business, which he later exchanges for money. It is worth remembering that all these processes take more than one week. Therefore, the commercial result appears no earlier than after 2-4 months.

Regular posting should be used to build trust. With their help, the client perceives the brand as a useful source of information, due to which the level of trust in the company increases. This way, business advertising becomes a solution to a problem rather than a hard sell.


Stands out from the information noise and inspires trust


In the 21st century, people have learned to abstract themselves from information noise, stopping paying attention to attempts to sell them something. Content marketing – a new look at advertising. Clients themselves find companies with which they are willing to cooperate, moreover, they bring other clients.  The main point in content marketing is the competent dissemination of information useful to the target audience. With the help of which, the company avoids banal and hidden advertising, receiving maximum leads.



Maintain communication with the audience


For any organization, it is necessary to maintain constant interaction with customers, leave reminders about yourself and your product. For example, using news, posts, offers and useful articles. This allows you to quickly receive feedback about the product, service and advertising effectiveness.

Increase in search rankings

  • Promotion through content is a trend that is actively gaining momentum. Social networks such as Instagram, Facebook and YouTube reward authors of high-quality and interesting material. When you publish really good content, it ends up in the recommendations of other users, therefore, the audience reach increases;
  • Original content improves the behavioral factor, resulting in a significant increase in traffic;
  • Articles are used to promote more keywords. With their help, the semantic core expands and it becomes possible to rise to the top;
  • It is worth remembering that not all companies can be promoted based on commercial requests. For some companies, only informational ones are suitable; they are the ones who will bring a significant increase in audience. 

Users spend more time on the site

In order for search engines to consider a site useful and rank it higher, articles should be published. It takes on average from 3 to 8 minutes to read them. But it is worth noting that the articles must be truly interesting and useful so that visitors have a desire to read them. No one will waste their time on unnecessary information.



Stages of work


We define the main goals. We optimize texts for tasks and search queries. We fully immerse ourselves in the specifics of the company and its audience through interviews with the customer.

Target Audience Analysis
  • Analysis of the customer base: To determine the priority, most profitable audience segments for the company, ABC and RFM analysis is performed. It is to the most interested parts of the audience that the company’s offer will be directed.


  • Purchasing motives and selection criteria: In order to better understand your audience and be closer to them, we study thematic communities on social networks, YouTube channels, blogs, etc. In these resources, people themselves say what they need to see in a product, what qualities and properties it should have, and what are the criteria for their choice.


  • Reviews: You should not ignore negative customer reviews. Thanks to them, the company will be able to identify its weaknesses and subsequently transform them. Sometimes it’s worth resorting to analyzing competitors’ reviews to identify their mistakes in order to eliminate them in advance in the operation of your business.
Research of successful competitors
  • Websites: We analyze the structure of the website – what pages there are, their connection with queries, links, etc. We pay attention to the texts – content, style, techniques for engaging the audience. We determine the mechanisms of the site – technical indicators of the site’s effectiveness, SEO settings.


  • Advertising campaigns: We analyze advertising components – advertisements, placement platforms, style of texts and headlines, interaction with customers and compliance with the needs of the target audience.


  • Social networks: We focus on the design and design of communities on social networks, the strategy and activity of maintaining pages, the style of texts, and ways of communicating with the audience.


  • Positioning: We draw up portraits of competitive companies to most accurately determine your alignment and goals: Positioning the company in the market, methods of working with the audience and dealing with objections, identifying competitiveness.


  • Conclusion: Using an accurate analysis of competitor companies, we identify their strengths and weaknesses, on the basis of which we create a competitive environment for the existence and promotion of your business.
Content Strategy Development
  • Fixing the company’s tasks and goals, creating criteria for assessing their implementation and final results;


  • Using the strategy, the direction of the work being carried out is determined. The content plan specifies the main meanings of the published material, frequency and volume, platforms used and, of course, the ultimate goal of these actions. The main task of content marketing is not writing articles, but the compliance of the published material with the goals of the company. With the help of content, trust and interest of the audience in the product and the company itself are formed.
Defining distribution channels

Distribution channels are determined based on the content strategy. The choice depends on the specific company, its audience and goals, as well as the wishes of management.

We create content

We design and promote unique content. We have the skills to correctly persuade an audience and write texts that work. We are engaged in creating original and relevant information that helps the user fully evaluate the product and ultimately purchase it.

  • We make photos and illustrations for texts, articles, presentations and other types of content;


  • We create infographics tailored to the requests and needs of the target audience for quick and easy assimilation of information;


  • We create video content. We create welcome videos, video advertisements, manuals, etc., taking into account their application.
We create materials for the website and post them on social networks

Carefully, quickly, adhering to usability requirements.


  • Blog on the company website;
  • Social networks of the company (Instagram, Facebook and YouTube);
  • External sites (affiliate publications) to increase the trust of visitors and increase the frequency of page results in search engines;
  • Hidden marketing, which exists through responses and recommendations in thematic forums and blogs, comments on the product, services and the company as a whole;
  • Using messengers (Telegram channels, WhatsApp, Viber)

We distribute content through selected marketing channels in such a way that it is seen by the widest possible segment of the target audience. We use up-to-date and refined key queries to ensure maximum inclusion in the audience’s information search algorithm.

  • We generate reports and transmit them;


  • Depending on the results of the reports, we make adjustments to the initial strategy. We plan improvements based on the results of content marketing.




Only clear indicators: ROI, CPL, CPC. The result for us is the absolute achievement of our goals. From the beginning of work on the project, IL SEO Company are committed to 100% efficiency. Thanks to our experience, we know the structure of a business and understand how to lead it to success in a competitive environment. We objectively assess our skills and knowledge – if we are not confident in the effectiveness of the project, then we will not take on it.



Updating work methods



Given the constant improvement of the principles of search engines, we constantly monitor the latest updates. Our agency has an analytics department that conducts testing on internal company projects. Thanks to this, we have a solid result – our customers’ sites are the first in Google and Yandex. We achieved this through many years of experience in this field, constant monitoring of changes in search engines and changes in the competitive environment. 


The results of our work confirm that we are moving in the right direction. Promotion with us is more profitable than without us. We quickly study even the most complex specifics of the company. To do this, we conduct a special analysis of the area: we study the target audience, talk with the customer, and study the strategies of competitors. All this is used to successfully promote the most highly specialized areas.

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